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老怪甲 该用户已被删除
老怪甲 发表于 2010-11-13 17:39:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





  在最近发行的、一部访问当初打造登月航天飞机阿波罗号(Apollo)工程师的纪录片里,一位名叫George Phelps的北美航空(North American Aviation)工程师,回顾了当初为运载火箭土星五号(Saturn V)第二级(second stage)削减过多重量的、看似不可能的任务。

  该种火箭推进器会将航天员推向地球轨道,内含两个庞大的燃料储存槽;为了削减其重量,北美航空的工程师研发了一种非常薄却很强韧的、两个燃料槽之间的“共同舱壁(common bulkhead)”,有效地分隔了两槽中分别以不同温度所储存的液态氢与液态氧。




Engineering: The next generation

by George Leopold

We often hear from readers who are engineers that they try to dissuade sons and daughters from entering the profession. Their reasons vary, but most have reached the conclusion that globalization has made it impossible to build a career, much less make a living, as an engineer.

This is a sad state of affairs. One result is that too much talent has been diverted to unproductive pursuits like financial services. We all know how that turned out.

Too many technology companies have responded to this situation by focusing on their stock price, giving innovation short shrift. One of the industry’s dirty little secrets is that shipping engineering jobs overseas remains a great way to boost a company's stock price. We could make a strong case that short-term gain, quarterly financial results, have killed American innovation, and with it, the proud engineering profession.

We prefer another approach.

In a recent documentary on the men and woman who built the Apollo moon rocket, a North American Aviation engineer named George Phelps described the seemingly insurmountable problem of shaving still more weight from the Saturn V’s second stage. That booster, which would kick astronauts into Earth orbit, contained two enormous fuel tanks. To cut weight, North American engineers invented a remarkably thin but strong “common bulkhead” between the two tanks, effectively separating volatile liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen stored at vastly different temperatures.

Phelps admitted that much sleep was lost coming up with this weight-saving solution. He added, with a twinkle in his eye, “That was the most difficult problem that we had to solve. But we did it, because engineers can just about do anything.”


With the Apollo example in mind, and as we compile the 2010 edition of our annual salary and opinion survey, we ask readers what areas of electronics engineering hold the most promise for the next generation of engineers? For example, does the real creativity in electronic design reside in software rather than hardware?

Your responses also will help guide students who will be attending this weekend’s USA Science and Technology Festival on the National Mall in Washington. These kids have great ideas. Let’s point them in the right direction.
weibode01 发表于 2010-11-13 18:58:06 | 显示全部楼层
weibode01 发表于 2010-11-13 18:58:16 | 显示全部楼层
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